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The Mandaean religion is currently facing persecution and extinction and is in need of help and for awareness to be raised by the Mandaean community. Several organisations have been established in Australia by Mandaean members that help members within their communities and try to create a better sense of community between the Mandaean members and to rasie awarness to the younger and older generations.


There are three associations that have been established in Australia; the Mandaean Synod Association of Australia, the Mandaian Australian Youth Council and the Sabian Mandaean Association.


Since the arrival of the first Mandaean priest Ganzevra Salah Chohili in 1996 a pursuit has been carried out to help raise awareness of the Mandaean religion and help create a new home for the Mandaean members in which they are able to practice their religion freely.

​With the approval of the Penrith City Council, a set of steps leading into the river were established and baptism was able to take place, what was thought to be a lost ritual after the Iraqi War had flourished in Australia and once again the Mandaean community could practice their religion.


​Together with the help of the Mandaean community and the Australian Electral Commission an election was held to fill the seats of the first Mandaean Synod.

These associations have allowed for Mandaean members to build a stronger community, protect its members from persecution, educate the Mandaean community and to create a connection between the Mandaean community and the religion.



"Take a wife and found a family, so that the world may multiply through you."






The Mandaean Youth Council was built under the Mandaean Synod of Australia and has helped in benefiting the Mandaean youth and has built a stronger Mandaean community.


The Sabian Mandaean Association was built to maintain, organize and promote the interaction among the different Mandaean communities both in Australia and around the world on cultural and spritual perspectives.

Members unite to save a community

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