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Sabian Mandaean- A forgotten religion

In the name of the Life!


I am crowned with a wreath and lay me down

In a dress in which there is no blemish.

No spot is there in the dress,

Nor is there aught missing or lacking in it.

The Life knew about me.

Adam, who slept, awoke;

He grasped me with the palm of his right hand

And gave into my hand a palm branch.

Light cast me into darkness,

But the darkness was filled with light.

The day that light arises,

Darkness returns to its place.

The souls of this masiqta

Approach a cloud of light.

Their journey is to the place of light.


In the name of the Life!


May the sublime Light be magnified!

Rightly do i say to you, my Chosen,

Who went up with me to the Jordan,

Pervert and change me not, alter me not by hand,

Pervert not nor alienate me,

Men who have heard the Voice of Light!

He who hearth the voice of Life

Will be edified, Will be built up,

Built up and armed, strength will be doubled.

He will enter the communion that is great

So that he will be united  and will arise,

And will behold the place of Light,

And victorious the man who went hence.

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